Florence Corbi - Sculpture

Florence Corbi




July 7th to 25th 2015

Florence Corbi  Jean-Henri Fabre - Tulle

Different views on the world of insects

Tribute to Jean-Henri Fabre


Velsen - Saarbrücken

6th and 7th June 2015

Florence Corbi Forbach

Colors of Velsen


Saint Ambroix

May 14th to 25th 2015

Printemps de la sculpture

La filature


Bagnols sur Cèze

14th to 25th of april 2015

Florence Corbi Bagnols sur Cèze

Centre d'art Rhôdanien Saint Maur


    Florence Corbi,

    Pierre Amiel,

    Andy Newman



April 2015

Florence Corbi Marseille

Substantia Art Gallery

Les docks



6th december 2014 to 18th january 2015

Florence Corbi Orléans

O' Jardin d'hiver

Collégiale Saint Pierre le Puellier


Bagnols sur Cèze

Permanent exhibition

Florence Corbi Bagnols sur Cèze

Carreaux d'art -  Loïc Zamora



4th to 25th october 2014

Florence Corbi Forbach

Têt' de l'Art Gallery



14th to 24 august 2014

Florence Corbi Tresques

Tresques Contemporary art festival




11th July to 28th August 2014

Florence Corbi Dieppe

Il est temps de ....

City townhall and trade chamber


Andenne - Belgium

8th July to 14th september 2014

Florence Corbi Andenne

240 messagers de mémoire

Ceramics Museum



5th to 30th April 2014

Florence Corbi La Tour de Guet

La Tour de Guet gallery




3rd to 15th december 2013

Florence Corbi Area

AREA magazine gallery



6th to 11th november 2013

Florence Corbi Hivernales

Les Hivernales festival

Newsletter registration.

Contact :
1, Rue Velten - 69009 LYON - France
9, place du lavoir - Colombier - 30200 SABRAN - France
  • +33 (0)6 20 47 82 43
  • contact(at)florencecorbi.fr
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    Photos: Florence Corbi, Tim Perceval, Pascal Luciani, Marion Saupin

    Copyright © Florence Corbi

    Website host : SAS OVH - 2, rue Kellermann - 59100 ROUBAIX - France - tel: +33 (0)8 20 69 87 65